1. A one-line summary of what your company does - This cuts right to the chase of the matter and helps potential investors know exactly what they are doing. Dave says he has sat on many panels hearing pitches and many times it is unclear to the investors what the company does. For this reason, he stresses the importance of this element.
2. Financial Model – A summary of finances, how and when investors will be paid back, and sales projections are essential to the success of a business plan.
3. Risk Mitigation Milestones – For every milestone your company achieves, the risk of investing diminishes significantly. Investors want to see an action plan to prevent the potential for failure.
4. Your unique qualifications for success – Dave says this is the most important component investors want to see. Personal qualifications and ideas such as a great marketing campaign must be included so investors know they can believe in you personally. This helps build confidence in the success of the investment.
The other expert, Donald Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Economics. Ever since he was a child he was pushed by his parents to be the best and he even today he continues to follow through with all the accomplishments he's achieved. BP Expert's says that Donald Trump's simple stance on a business plan is "with a business plan, there is direction and focus. (Williams, 2009)" Basically Trump is saying "No business plan means the business is bound to fail" and this true because nothing can be built without a plan to follow. An Associated Content article on Yahoo! states that Donald Trump's Top 10 Business Tips are:
1. Find your passion.
2. Business Plans: Plan for Success.3. Know your target (niche) audience: Target people with money, but help those in need. People who target everyone are really not targeting everyone.
4. Setting Rates: Demand to be paid what your services are worth.
5. Mentors: Surround yourself with smart people, not yes people.
6. Negotiations: Don't be so invested that you cannot walk away.
7. Fail then come back stronger.
8. Business Growth: Always Be Open To New Ideas.
9. Critics: Answer your critics by your actions, not your words.
10. Live Well, but wisely: Never apologize for being successful.
After reading the blog posts and articles about Lavinsky and Trump, I've taken some important and essential tips that will help my business be successful.
Bonus: In an interview with Forbes, Trump speaks on a successful business and his kids following in his footsteps and his succession plans for his Trump Empire.